agra,ahmedabad,ajmer,akola,aligarh,ambala,amravati,amritsar,aurangabad,ayodhya,bangalore,bareilly,bathinda,bhagalpur,bhilai,bhiwani,bhopal,bhubaneswar,bikaner,bilaspur,bokaro,chandigarh,chennai,coimbatore,cuttack,dehradun,delhi ncr,dhanbad,dibrugarh,durgapur,faridabad,ferozpur,gandhinagar,gaya,ghaziabad,goa,gorakhpur,greater noida,gurugram,guwahati,gwalior,haldwani,haridwar,hisar,hyderabad,indore,jabalpur,jaipur,jalandhar,jammu,jamshedpur,jhansi,jodhpur,jorhat,kaithal,kanpur,karimnagar,karnal,kashipur,khammam,kharagpur,kochi,kolhapur,kolkata,kota,kottayam,kozhikode,kurnool,kurukshetra,latur,lucknow,ludhiana,madurai,mangaluru,mathura,meerut,moradabad,mumbai,muzaffarpur,mysore,nagpur,nanded,narnaul,nashik,nellore,noida,palwal,panchkula,panipat,pathankot,patiala,patna,prayagraj,puducherry,pune,raipur,rajahmundry,ranchi,rewa,rewari,rohtak,rudrapur,saharanpur,salem,secunderabad,silchar,siliguri,sirsa,solapur,sri-ganganagar,srinagar,surat,thrissur,tinsukia,tiruchirapalli,tirupati,trivandrum,udaipur,udhampur,ujjain,vadodara,vapi,varanasi,vellore,vijayawada,visakhapatnam,warangal,yamuna-nagar

Best Coaching Centers for Olympiads, CBSE Board Exam Preparation in Jalandhar

More than a million children and over 33,000 schools have participated in the National Indian Talent Olympiad. Participation in Olympiad exams helps students improve their academic performance and gauge their knowledge level and exam readiness. There are various types of Olympiads held in India and around the world.

Olympiad & Board Exams Coaching in Jalandhar

Aakash Olympiad and Board exams coaching Centre in Jalandhar give students personalised attention in a competitive environment. It improves school and board exam performance by strengthening the analytical and reasoning abilities required for the NTSE, KVPY and other scholarship exams. Additionally, this institute prepares students for NEET exams, JEE, UPSC, IAS, IFS, CAT, MAT, etc. 

Aakash Foundation Courses teach students with new techniques by making learning enjoyable, engaging, and simple. It replaces traditional rote-learning methods with conceptual and application-based training. The national test series allows candidates to improve their competitive skills. Aakash Jalandhar offers the following courses for Olympiads and Boards:

Two-year-Integrated Course

This comprehensive course will benefit Class IX students. It covers the entire Class IX and X science, mathematics, and social science curriculum while also emphasising the development of students' mental abilities to help them prepare for and succeed in prestigious scholarships and competitive exams such as Olympiads and NTSE.

One-year Integrated Course

Class IX students will learn the school curriculum in the one-year integrated classroom course and improve their mental abilities through an extensive coaching programme. Students are also prepared for Olympiad exams by receiving a broad range of knowledge in each area and topic.

One-year Integrated Course

In this one-year classroom course for class X students, each subject, including- physics, mathematics, and social sciences, is better understood, and students’ mental abilities are evaluated and improved. In addition, students in this programme can take NTSE preparation classes.

Short-term Course

For class X students who want to seek specialised tutoring to pass competitive exams like the NTSE, Akaash offers exclusive short-term NTSE (Stage-I) preparation classes. These courses provide challenging assessments that resemble the main exam’s format to help the students.

How Will Students Benefit From the Olympiad and Board Courses at Aakash Coaching Centres in Jalandhar?

Aakash provides the best coaching possible by utilising Aakash's Standardized Education Delivery system. The innovative and comprehensive teaching approach produces in-depth study materials in addition to stimulating classroom debate. Every lecture is meticulously planned to ensure that the content is standard, complete, and completed within the specified time frame. Furthermore, Aakash aims to prepare students for state and local board exams and entrance exams. Therefore, every effort is made to clarify concepts to the student by the teacher.

Teachers from the top institutes like the International Institutes of Information Technology (IITs), the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), and the National Institutes of Technology (NITs) have been recruited by the Aakash coaching centre. Aakash's foundation is built on a highly qualified team of academicians and topic experts. Students benefit from the faculty's impressive credentials and extensive expertise, making complex problems easier to solve. Aakash is well-known for bringing in the best from all over the country to teach various subjects. Additionally, the institution offers the following benefits:

  • One on one attention
  • Regular doubt sessions
  • Timely parent-teachers meetings
  • Various test series
  • Motivational workshops.

Frequently Asked Questions on Olympiad and Boards Preparation Courses at Aakash Institute In Jalandhar

Q1. What if I cannot attend offline Classes? 

Ans. Students in the classrooms are supported by digital learning tools that help them succeed academically. This teaches students time management and makes the learning process easier. There are live, interactive sessions and recorded video lectures designed to assist students in preparing for competitive exams. There is no such approach that fits all students. Those who cannot attend class as scheduled can benefit from interactive class sessions. Students who do not have consistent internet access can check the pre-recorded video lectures during live classes.

Q2. Why should I enrol in Aakash Coaching Centre Jalandhar for Olympiad preparations?

Ans.Olympiads are tough tests in which students from all over the country compete. These exams allow students from various school districts and states to demonstrate their skills. The level of competition is bound to be intense due to the many participants, which is why Olympiad coaching is so beneficial to children. Aakash Institute Jalandhar's Olympiad coaching curriculum includes examples from outside the box to help students study and comprehend more thoroughly. Students who ace these competitions receive national recognition and awards for their accomplishments.

Q3. Who conducts Olympiads? How to prepare for it?

Ans. ITO (India Talent Olympiad Organisation) administers national and international level tests for students in grades 1-10 for the State, International, and ICSE/CBSE boards. Olympiad books and previous year's question paper sets are required for preparations. Students can find a list of all the Olympiads online.

Q4. How to be eligible to participate in Olympiads?

Ans. Olympiad exams are now available to students in kindergarten through tenth grade. Students who want to compete in the Indian Talent Olympiad must do so through their schools. There are no other prerequisites for participation. However, Aakash provides specific Olympiads and foundation courses for the students of classes 8th to 10th.

Q5. Can a student participate individually in an Olympiad without the school's involvement?

Ans. Earlier, students used to register through the school only if their school was participating in the given Olympiad. However, from 2020, students can take an online test using their mobile devices or any other gadget and earn the rewards. Every month, students can win up to Rs. 1,000,000 in cash and laptops through these weekly online tests.

Q6. How many students per school can participate in the Olympiad exam?

Ans. A school must have a minimum of 40 students to participate in the Indian Talent Olympiad (ITO). However, the maximum number of candidates who can attend the exam from one school is not limited.

Q7. Are parent-teacher meetings held in the Aakash Coaching Centre in Jalandhar? 

Ans. Yes, parent-teacher meetings are held in the Aakash coaching centre in Jalandhar. The faculty discusses the student's performance in class with the parents. Besides, the student's preparation at home and performance in home assignments is also analysed. The measures to improve the student's performance are also discussed.

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