agra,ahmedabad,ajmer,akola,aligarh,ambala,amravati,amritsar,aurangabad,ayodhya,bangalore,bareilly,bathinda,bhagalpur,bhilai,bhiwani,bhopal,bhubaneswar,bikaner,bilaspur,bokaro,chandigarh,chennai,coimbatore,cuttack,dehradun,delhi ncr,dhanbad,dibrugarh,durgapur,faridabad,ferozpur,gandhinagar,gaya,ghaziabad,goa,gorakhpur,greater noida,gurugram,guwahati,gwalior,haldwani,haridwar,hisar,hyderabad,indore,jabalpur,jaipur,jalandhar,jammu,jamshedpur,jhansi,jodhpur,jorhat,kaithal,kanpur,karimnagar,karnal,kashipur,khammam,kharagpur,kochi,kolhapur,kolkata,kota,kottayam,kozhikode,kurnool,kurukshetra,latur,lucknow,ludhiana,madurai,mangaluru,mathura,meerut,moradabad,mumbai,muzaffarpur,mysore,nagpur,nanded,narnaul,nashik,nellore,noida,palwal,panchkula,panipat,pathankot,patiala,patna,prayagraj,puducherry,pune,raipur,rajahmundry,ranchi,rewa,rewari,rohtak,rudrapur,saharanpur,salem,secunderabad,silchar,siliguri,sirsa,solapur,sri-ganganagar,srinagar,surat,thrissur,tinsukia,tiruchirapalli,tirupati,trivandrum,udaipur,udhampur,ujjain,vadodara,vapi,varanasi,vellore,vijayawada,visakhapatnam,warangal,yamuna-nagar
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What is the eligibility for Foundation programmes?

Ans. The eligibility varies from course to course. For,

  • Integrated Course for Olympiads, NTSE & Class X, a student must have passed class IX or should be studying in class X.
  • Integrated Course for Olympiads & Class IX, a student must have passed class VIII or should be studying in class IX.
  • Integrated Course for Olympiads & Class VIII, a student must have passed class VII or must be studying in class VIII.

Will the foundation program help in gearing up a student for future competitive entrance exams like NEET, JEE etc.?

Ans. The various courses carried out under ‘Foundation’ wing for class 8th, 9th and 10th try to develop the reasoning and analytical skills of students that come handy when they go for Olympiads and higher level competitive exams like NEET and JEE etc. These programs help to invoke the thinking process of a child by making him understand the fundamental concepts at an early age from the basics. As the name suggests, the ‘Foundation’ course establishes the ‘foundation’ of a student’s academic career which helps him to succeed in all his future endeavours.

Besides NTSE, which Olympiads can a student appear for in Class 8, 9 and 10?

To gauge a student’s potential many Olympiads are conducted at national and international levels. The notable exams are: Mathematics and Science Olympiads such as NSO, IMO, iOS, iOM, NSTSE, etc. These gauge a student’s performance in Mathematics and Science at an all India level. In addition, International Mathematics and Junior Science Olympiads are organised by MTA (I), IAPT & HBCSE such as IOQM, NSEJS and their subsequent stages which are conducted annually. These allow students to represent their country on an international platform and compete for the coveted international medals.

How can a student participate in different Olympiads?

Most Olympiads are conducted in level-wise and stage-wise manner. Students from classes 8th to 12th are eligible to appear for different Olympiads and can register for these exams either through their schools or individually. The details of different Olympiads along with their official websites for registration are mentioned in handbook ‘Olympiads - Gateway to Global Recognition’ in Student Area on our website aakash.ac.in.

Is there some benefit if a student qualifies in Olympiad exams?

Ans. These exams help a student gauge his performance on an all India / International level. Qualifying in such competitive exams definitely gives a student some brownie points on his resume. These exams boost a student’s confidence and catapult him into the league of achievers. Qualifying in such exams is a symbol of excellence in education. So a student must give these exams his best shot.

If I enrolled my child for a classroom program but afterwards want to back out, will the fees be refunded?

Ans. If a student asks for a fee refund before the commencement of classes at Aakash, then the admission fee and the first installment of fee deposited will be refunded. However, the registration fees and admission cum scholarship test fees will not be refunded under any circumstances whatsoever.

Is there any scholarship for the foundation level course program?

Ans. Yes. Aakash always awards scholar students in the form of scholarships. There is a test like the Instant Admission Cum Scholarship Test (iACST) for admission in the foundation course program. Based on the performance in this test, a student is offered scholarships. The percentage of fee waiver may vary according to the marks secured in this test.

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