By Team Aakash Byju's 

Marie Curie - The First Woman to Win a Nobel Prize in Physics

Here are some interesting facts about Marie Curie.


She is the first person ever to be awarded two Nobel Prizes. – Nobel Prize in Physics, 1903 – Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1911


In 1898, Marie Curie & Pierre Curie discovered two new radioactive elements: Radium (named after the Latin word for ray) and Polonium (named after Marie’s home country, Poland).


For her research in “radiation phenomena,” Curie became the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903.


In 1906, Marie was appointed as the Professor of General Physics in the Faculty of Sciences & became the first woman to hold this position.


Marie Curie promoted the use of X-rays during World War I & developed radiological automobiles - known as "Petites Curies" for treating wounded soldiers at war.


Marie Curie’s death in 1934 was likely caused by radiation exposure. Some of her books and papers are still so radioactive that they are kept in lead boxes.