10 Facts About Unsung Hero and Nobel Laureate Henry Dunant.

BY Team Aakash Byju's

World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day are celebrated on May 8th every year.

Here are 10 interesting facts about the Unsung Hero, Nobel Laureate Henry Dunant.

Henry Dunant was a humanitarian and the founder of the famous Red Cross.

He was also the founder of the World Alliance of Young Men’s Christian Associations.

He won the first Nobel Prize for Peace along with Frédéric Passy in 1901.

Henry Dunant provided first aid for the wounded soldiers from the Battle of Solferino.

There were around 40,000 French and Austrian casualties.

Due to his loyalty to humanitarian work, he neglected his business and went bankrupt.

Later, he moved to Geneva in 1867 and led his life in poverty.

But he never stopped promoting the treatment of prisoners of war, international arbitration and the abolition of slavery.

He was also promoting disarmament and the establishment of a Jewish homeland.

A journalist in Switzerland rediscovered Dunant and showcased his noble works resulting in various honors.