Find the Arithmetic Progression if A8 Is 31 & A15 Is (16+A11)

By Team Aakash Byju's | 26th  October 2022

Let, A1, A2, …., An are the terms of an arithmetic progression with a common difference d.

To find any term of an arithmetic progression we use the formula

Thus, the terms of an arithmetic progression are

Given that A8 = 31 and  A15 = 16 + A11, and we can write

Thus we can state

But A15 = A1 + (15−1)d, hence A1 + 14d = 47 + 3d Substituting the value of A1, we get

31 - 7d + 14d = 47 + 3d

=> 14d - 7d - 3d = 47 - 31

=> 4d + 16, thus d = 4

Use the value of d in (1) to find the value of A1.

Since A1 = 3 and d = 4 the arithmetic progression is



= 31 - 7(4) =>



= 3

 3, 3+4, 3+ (2    4), 3+(3   4)....



= 3, 7, 11, 15, ......

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