What is Plant Cell? Explanation from CBSE Class 9 Biology

BY Team Aakash Byju's

Plant cell:  A plant cell is a eukaryotic cell covered by a cell wall, comprising a well-developed nucleus and other cell organelles.

Plant cells are generally rectangular in shape and larger than the animal cell. A plant cell has distinct components known as cell organelles. These cell organelles include:

Cell wall:  It is made of cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin and lignin. It protects the cell , gives shape and support to the cell .

Nucleus:  It is a membrane-bound structure that is present only in the eukaryotic cell. It contains genetic material and information essential for cell division.

Plastids:  plastids are present only in the plant cell. They are of three types.

Chloroplasts are the location of photosynthesis. Chromoplasts are responsible for coloured flowers and fruits. Leucoplasts store food.

Mitochondria:  They generate energy by performing cellular respiration

Endoplasmic reticulum:  It is a network of membranes involved in the transportation of various substances within the cell.

Golgi apparatus:  It involves manufacturing, storing and shipping of various products of the cell.

Ribosomes:  Some are found in the cytoplasm, and some are found in ER. They manufacture proteins.

Vacuole:  These are fluid-filled storage sacs. They are involved in storage, detoxification and protection. Generally, plant cells possess large-sized vacuoles.

Plasmodesmata:  These are the channels found between the cell walls. They pass the substances and are involved in communication.

Cell membrane:  It is a semi-permeable membrane. It is made of proteins and lipids. It regulates the balance of various substances.