By Team Aakash Byju's

Units Of Equivalent Concentration In Chemistry

 Include molarity, molality, mass percentage, parts per thousand, parts per million and parts per billion.

Units of Equivalent Concentration

It is defined as the number of moles of a solute in one litre of solution. A solution's molarity is also known as its Molar Concentration.



The total moles of a solute contained in a kilogram of a solvent is defined as molality. It is often referred to as Molal Concentration.

Mass percentage

Mass percentage: The mass percentage indicates the amount of solute in a particular mass of solution.

Parts Per Thousand

This is a ratio commonly used to refer to the concentration of solutes in solutions, such as salts in water.

Parts per million

This unit represents the mass of an impurity or chemical per volume of water.

Parts Per Billion

It is a commonly used unit for very small values that measure the number of units of a contaminant per 1000 million units of the total mass.

Concentrations are frequently represented in terms of relative units, with three main types of percentage concentrations:

– Mass Percent – Volume Percent – Mass/Volume Percent