Total Number of Questions and Marks in JEE Advanced 2022 Paper 2

By Team Aakash Byju's

JEE Advanced 2022 paper 2  will have three sections : Physics, Chemistry and Math.

The duration of JEE Advanced 2022 paper 2 is 3 hours and is conducted either in Hindi or in English.

The first section contains 6 MCQs. Each carries four options out of which you have to select one. For each  correct answer, you will secure 24 marks.

A candidate secures +4 marks, for correct answer and -2 for choosing wrong answer.

The second section contains 6 Numerical value answer type questions that carry 24 marks.

If a candidate gives the correct answer, he/she in the second section, secures +4,

The third section contains 6 single-digit integer answers that carry 18 marks.

The candidate secures +3 marks for correct answer and -1 in all other cases.

Aakash Byju’s previous year question papers are all set to give you that real-time experience about the distribution of marks for JEE Advanced paper 2.