The Ultimate Guide to Crack the  KVPY Exam 2022

BY Team Aakash Byju's

Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojna (KVPY) is a scholarship exam conducted by the Indian Institute of Science (IISC), Bangalore.

If a candidate cracks this exam, then he/she can avail the scholarship/fellowship for their further studies.

Like any other popular competitive exams (JEE, AIPMT, etc.), the KVPY exam is also challenging eligibility criteria.

But don't worry, we are here to guide you crack the KVPY exam 2022.

Tips to Crack KVPY: To clear an exam with good scores, it is essential to strategically prepare  for it.

Firstly, the aspirants must learn about the KVPY exam pattern and syllabus.

It is critical to understand where the questions are asked, how many questions appear, and how to tackle the question paper.

Next step is to have a study plan or timetable to complete the KVPY syllabus before time.

It is followed by solving previous years' KVPY question papers to time your exam.

Revisions are compulsory before the KVPY exam 2022 for better understanding and remembering the concepts well.

Last but not least is to maintain your health to achieve any goal in life.