By Team Aakash Byju's

Capacitance Of A Short Circuited Capacitor Explained

A 'Capacitor' is a device that has two conducting plates in the terminals to store electrical energy in an electric field.

The ability to store charge in a capacitor is called the 'Capacitance' of the capacitor.

When the insulating material between the plates in a capacitor becomes a conducting material, the capacitor is said to be short-circuited.

This is because the two terminals/plates become one single conductor.

So, the capacitor will no longer be able to store the energy and hence its capacitance becomes zero.

So, the short-circuited capacitor behaves like a conducting wire in the circuit.

Capacitance is expressed as the ratio of the electric charge on the conductors to the potential difference between the 2 conductors.