By Team Aakash Byju's

How to Study Maths for NEET 2022 Exam Preparations?

You may be wondering - What is the relationship between Maths and NEET?

Maths plays a critical role in clearing the NEET 2022 exam with a good score. How?

The concepts of Maths build a strong foundation and help prepare well for Physics and Chemistry.

Both basic and advanced concepts of Maths come in handy for NEET preparation.

It’s best to go through some of these topics, including Conversion of Units, Logarithms, Geometry, Scalars and Vectors, Integration and Differentiation.

In-depth knowledge of these topics is not required but the most basic concepts help build a strong foundation to solve problems.

Once you learn the concepts, try to relate and find where they are used in Physics and Chemistry.

Refer to previous years’ NEET question papers and figure out the type of questions related to Maths concepts.