NCERT Physics Notes on Electric Current and Its Effects

BY Team Aakash Byjus

The rate of flow of charges through a conductor is called the ‘electric current' or 'electricity’.

Take a wire, a cell, and a bulb to construct an electric circuit.

If the switch is kept in the OFF position, the bulb doesn't glow as there is no current circulation. The bulb glows as the circuit is connected if the  switch is ON.

Keep the bulb ON for a few seconds, and then set it OFF. You can feel that the bulb is hot.

 An electric current passing through the filament of the bulb produces a large amount of heat, due to which the bulb emits light & heat.

Take a cardboard tray of a matchstick and wrap it with an electric wire a few times.

 Place a small compass inside this tray, and connect the wire wrapped to an electric cell.

When the cell is OFF, the compass's needle remains at rest. When the cell is ON, the needle deflects.

 This induced magnetic field is called ‘the magnetic effect of electric current’.