Mistakes to Avoid While Attempting ANTHE 2023 Exam

Aakash BYJU's Team

Woman Reading

Skipping Instructions


Reading instructions is as crucial as answering questions. Don't skip them!

Every second counts. Don't get stuck on a single question.

Ignoring Time Management

Man Reading

Guess strategically. Blind guessing may hurt your score.

Random Guesswork

Check and double-check if you've filled in all the required details.

Incomplete Answer Sheets

Trust your instincts. Overthinking can lead to wrong answers.

Overthinking and Doubting

Stay calm. Stress can cloud your judgment.

Not Managing Stress

Pack your essentials - admit card, ID, and stationery - the night before.

Forgetting Essential Items

If time permits, review your answers. Avoid overlooking errors.

Neglecting Review Time