Know the Steps to Extract Maximum Benefits From Audiprep

By Team Aakash Byju's

Ever heard of learning just by listening? AudiPrep is here to make it possible for you.

This application based audiobook designed by Aakash BYJU’S indeed comes with lots of benefits.

To extract maximum benefits from Audiprep, you need to listen to the chapters from the podcasts.

Listening to the chapter and reading it again while listening to the audiobook should go hand in hand.

While you do it, make your notes for long time retention of concepts.

Now, use spaced repetition at least 4-5 times and listen to the audiobook only for a better understanding.

Once you are done, try to attempt NEET archive questions to check the level of preparation for NEET.

A quick recap is a must. This helps you revise and retain the basic concepts you have learnt through Audiprep.