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How to Avoid Negative Marking in NEET 2023?

By Team Aakash Byju's | 3rd December 2022

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Students are most concerned about NEET's negative marking when studying for the exam. Here are some tips to help you avoid negative markings.

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To reduce negative markings in the exam it is important to be aware of the negative marking pattern and procedure.

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Practice more and more questions to clearly understand the question being asked in the exam, which will help in marking the correct answer.

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No matter how well-prepared you are, avoid being overconfident. Overconfidence precedes carelessness, increasing the chances of negative marking.

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Don't rush while answering the question. Read the questions thoroughly before attempting to answer them.

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Negative marking in NEET is mostly due to conceptual and factual errors. Appropriately analysing the question will help in reducing negative marking.

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While filling in the bubbles, remember to double-check the question and the number in the OMR sheet. Sometimes, students mark the proper answer but the wrong question.

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Maintain a calm and relaxed mindset when answering the questions; otherwise, you might end up marking the incorrect ones.