How Often Do Eclipses Occur in a Year and Why?

BY Team Aakash Byjus

Let us study what eclipses are and how often we get to witness them in a year.

When one celestial body passes in front of a second celestial body as seen from a third celestial body, all 3 celestial bodies are aligned.


When the moon lies in between earth and the sun, it blocks the sun's light on the earth causing  ‘Solar Eclipse’.

Solar Eclipse

When the moon passes behind the earth, the earth’s shadow causes a change in color of the moon to a red-orange tint. This phase is called ‘Lunar Eclipse’.

Lunar Eclipse

Eclipses do not happen every month as the earth’s orbit around the sun and the moon’s orbit around the earth are not the same.


A total of 2 solar eclipses can be seen from the surface of the earth per three years. That is, we see it once every 18 months.

Duration of Total Solar Eclipse

The total lunar eclipses happen once every 2.5 years that can be seen from any location on the earth.

Duration of Total Lunar Eclipse

If not total eclipses, we can see 2-3 lunar eclipses in a year, and 2-5 solar eclipses in a year, where 5 is the rarest possibility

Partial Eclipses

There were 5 eclipses back then in 1935, and we are not going to witness the same next until 2206.

Amazing Facts

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