BY Team Aakash Byju's

How Many Questions Are There in JEE Mains Physics?

JEE Mains 2022 Exam includes questions from Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

JEE Mains 2022 Exam Pattern: Each subject will have 30 questions which means 90 questions altogether

As mentioned, even Physics will have 30 questions in total, which must be solved in 3 hours.

Out of the 30 questions from JEE Mains Physics,  10 Numeric Value Answer Based questions and 20 questions are MCQs.

In the section that has 10 questions (Section B), candidates must solve only 5 questions

In 2022, NTA has provided the opportunity to choose 5 questions out of 10.

JEE Mains Negative Marking: But remember, for every wrong answer, 1 mark is deducted from the total score, and 4 marks are awarded for every correct answer.