By Team Aakash Byju's

Who Discovered Scientific Naming System - Binomial Nomenclature?

1. Ernst Haeckel 2. Robert Hooke 3. Carl Linnaeus 4. Robert Whittaker Hint: In this naming system, the organism is named based on only genus and species.

Who among them do you think has discovered the system of  scientific naming of organisms?

Yes, that's right. He is none other than Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish Botanist.

Before Linnaeus’ naming system, the scientific name used to be generic and the name would be too long

His achievement in taxonomy was the introduction of globally agreed criteria for identifying organisms, his work marked the beginning of the systematic use of the naming system.

These scientific names provided two distinct purposes: Firstly to identify and name the species. Secondly to examine or describe it.

Linnaeus categorised humans into four types during the first publication of his book Systema Naturae. It was based on geography and the colour of skin.

He wrote around 10 editions on nomenclature and in every edition changed a few concepts of the nomenclature system to name the animals and plants.