By Team Aakash Byju's

10 Interesting Facts About the Human Body

It's time to recognise how wonderful we all are! 

There is the smallest bone in the eardrum called the stirrup bone and the largest bone considered as thigh bone called the femur.

The skeletal system includes teeth, however they are not considered to be actual bones.

Our brain controls our body's reactions, for example it controls our thinking, vision, hunger and temperature. Which regulate our body.

Taste and smell detection only happen when molecules binding to receptors. Around 10000 taste buds are there on our tongue.

Skin is considered as largest organ, it helps to regulate the temperature of the body, it protects against infection and injury.

There is a large and small intestine in our body. The large intestine absorbs water were as small intestine absorbs nutrients from the food.

Compact bone and spongy bones are the outer layers and inner layers of the bone and the spongy bone cavities contain bone marrow.

The kidney produces the urine and throws it out of the body through bladders and from the blood it filters the waste.

Lungs contain tiny hair called alveoli and this organ helps us to breathe. Pink lungs are considered healthy lungs.

Blood cells have red blood which carries oxygen, where as white blood cells fight against viruses and platelets help in clotting blood.