BY Team Aakash Byju's

Afraid of Exams Even After Good Preparation? You May Blame Your Genes


The feeling of stress & anxiety before or during an exam is exam fever. It is very common among most students.

Terrible feeling

Exam fever extremely affects one socially, emotionally and psychologically.

Common in Everyone

Great physicist Albert Einstein too suffered from this fever during an entrance exam.

Genes Causes Phobia?

According to some research, to some extent exam fever is caused due to genetic factors.

Family Effect

Anxiety disorder can be genetic. If a parent has the disorder then a child can get it because of genes or because of learned behavior.

Fear Gene

There is no fear gene in reality that gets transmitted from parents to kids. The genes that cause phobia are present in the general population.

Environmental factors

Nature and nurture are also some of the factors that can cause examinophobia.

Topmost factors

The main reasons for exam fever could be, poor study habits, poor performance in previous exams/tests, parents pressure, etc.

Performance Pressure

About 66% of the students develop exam fever because their parents pressurise them for best academic performance or to score good marks in exams.

Lack of Confidence

Despite studying well, if you lack confidence and fail to focus or skip revision, you tend to develop exam phobia.