Define Commensalism with Examples

BY Team Aakash Byju's

There are different kinds of interactions between living organisms.

These include symbiosis, commensalism, parasitism, etc.

Commensalism: It is a kind of interaction in which one organism benefits, but the second one doesn’t get any benefit.

In this type of interaction, one organism benefits, but the second one doesn’t get any benefit, or it gets benefit later.

Sometimes one organism uses another organism as means of transport.

For example, a sea anemone is attached to brightly coloured clownfish.

Generally, sea anemones can’t move from one place to another place.

But if a sea anemone is attached to the clownfish, it can move from one place to another place, and it can easily collect food.

But clownfish don’t get any benefit from this type of interaction.

Another example is suckerfish attached to the shark or big fishes in the sea to catch an underwater ride.