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Common Mistakes to Avoid in CBSE Board Exams

By Team Aakash Byju's | 8th December 2022

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Many students would have thought that if they spend more time studying, they might score high. But that is not always true. It depends on how effectively you have understood the concept.

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Studying for longer than 5-6 hours at stretch may not be good as our brain may stop focusing. So, it is better to take a break of 15-20 minutes after each hour of study.

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Try to avoid starting your preparation late. You may need a good amount of time to prepare well for the board exam, so start as early as you can.

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Avoid always depending on classes and video tutorials. You must also practise self-study to check what you know and what not.

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If you are not practising maths problems, chemical reactions, or physics concepts regularly then avoid this habit. Practise as many as numericals from each subject to improve your memory.

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Are you amongst them who don’t care to make revision notes? Avoid it. Because keeping revision notes ready will help you to easily pick those concepts for quick revision.