BY Team Aakash Byju's

Atomic Structure and Physical Properties of Period 3 Elements

Period 3 elements are a group of 8 elements starting from Sodium in the modern periodic table.

The 8 elements are sodium, magnesium, aluminium, silicon, phosphorus, sulphur, chlorine and argon.

All these elements have the valence electrons of each atom in the 3-level. Hence the name.

See how the period 3 elements are located in the periodic table below

Sodium, magnesium and aluminium have structures like metals.

The atomic structure of silicon is giant covalent.

 Sodium, magnesium and aluminium conduct electricity. Silicon is a semiconductor and the rest of the elements in the family are non-conductors.

Electrical conductivity

Period 3 elements have repeated patterns in chemical and physical properties which is known as ‘Periodicity’.

Atomic radii of period 3 elements decrease across the periodic table.

The number of protons increases from left to right across period 3 elements.

The conductivity of period 3 elements increases as you go from sodium to magnesium to aluminium.

The nucleus & the valence electrons have a stronger electrostatic attraction between them.

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