CBSE 2023 Chemistry: Easy DIY Colourful Experiment

By Team Aakash Byju's | 10th December 2022

Let's explore some fun, easy DIY chemistry experiments in this post.

Fill a container with colour, add ethanol, mix it, now poke a hole in the lid & tape it.

Tricolour Fountain

Place this container in a glass, cover it with stones and add water.

Poke the taped hole on the lid, you can see the formation of the vibrant gas fountain.

Take hot and cold water in two different glasses and add food colour to it and mix well.

Hot vs. Cold

Now, cover the hot water glass with a plastic card and place it invertedly on the cool water glass, and slowly remove the card.

You can see that the water in the glasses does not mix.

If you place it the other way around the water in the glasses gets mixed up.