Key Differences Between Habitat and Microhabitat

BY Team Aakash Byjus

The dwelling place of an organism is known as the habitat.


A habitat is a place where a living being makes its home. A habitat catches all the environmental conditions an organism requires to exist.

An organism gets everything from its habitat, for example, food, shelter, mate, etc.

Types of Habitats: Habitats are of two types. These include micro and macro habitats.


A microhabitat is a small specialized habitat where a particular organism exists. It is suitable to live for specific species or more organisms.

Macro habitat is of large environment and much extensive. It contains various ecological levels.


Macro habitat is a large environment in which many organisms can survive.

Differences Between Macrohabitat and Microhabitat:

A microhabitat is a small environment in which a particular organism survives.

Microhabitats have unique conditions and have single organisms or more.

Coniferous forest, smooth bark, rotten wood and damaged bark are examples of microhabitats.