By Team Aakash Byju's

How Long Do the Different Phases of the Cell Cycle Take?

The length of the cycle varies from organism to organism and from cell to cell. 

There are two primary phases to a typical eukaryotic cell cycle:

– Interphase – M-Phase

Interphase is the period in which the cell prepares for division by growing and replicating DNA.

It takes up around 95% of the total cycle time and is further divided into three phases:

G1 phase (Gap 1)

This is the cell's phase between mitosis and the initiation of replication of the cell's genetic material, which takes around 11 hours.

S phase (Synthesis)

DNA replication occurs during this phase, which lasts around 8 hours.

G2 phase (Gap 2)

During this phase, RNA, proteins and other macromolecules essential for cell organelle are produced, which takes around 4 hours.

M phase is the mitotic phase of equational division, during which the cell completely reorganises to give birth to a progeny, which takes nearly 1 hour.