Yellow Star

Process of Germination of Pollen on Stigma


BY Team Aakash Byju's

Yellow Star
Yellow Star

Pollen is a yellow coloured dust-like substance produced by flowering plants. These pollen grains produce male gametes.


Yellow Star
Yellow Star

Pollen grains are produced by anther. The stamen, i.e., anther and pollen grains, is the male reproductive part of the flower.

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Yellow Star

Study of pollen grains is known as palynology.

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Yellow Star

Ovary, style and stigma are the female reproductive parts. Pollen grains reach the stigma of the flower through the process of pollination.

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Yellow Star

Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to stigma. Pollination is of two types.


Yellow Star
Yellow Star

The transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the same flower is known as  self-pollination.

Self Pollination

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Yellow Star

Pollen grains of one flower transfer to the stigma of another flower is known as cross-pollination.

Cross Pollination

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Yellow Star

Pollination occurs in different ways. These include air, water, insects, birds, animals and humans.

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Yellow Star

After pollination, pollen grains reach the stigma. Stigma secretes some sticky nutrient fluid that contains sugar and other substances.

Yellow Star
Yellow Star

These sugar liquids are produced by antipodal and synergid cells of the embryo sac.

Yellow Star
Yellow Star

Pollen grains absorb these sugar liquids. Pollen grains germinate to form a pollen tube.

Yellow Star
Yellow Star

Pollen grains absorb these sugar liquids. Pollen grains germinate to form a pollen tube. Pollen grains have two nuclei.

Yellow Star
Yellow Star

The tip of the pollen tube enters the embryo sac. The end of the pollen tube ruptures and releases two nuclei into the embryo sac.