By Team Aakash Byju's

Explain the Process of Biogas Production With Diagram

– Mixing tank – Digester tank – Outlet tank – Gas holder tank – Biogas outlet

The major part of a Biogas plant is made up of:

The biogas plant consists of a concrete tank into which  bio-wastes and cow dung slurry are fed.

A floating cover is placed over the slurry, which continues to rise as gas is created in the tank by microbial activity.

Methanogens grow anaerobically in cow dung slurry to produce a large amount of methane gas.

The biogas plant has an outlet that is linked to a pipe that distributes biogas to surrounding homes.

The spent slurry is evacuated through a different outlet and can be used as fertilizer.

The produced biogas can be utilized for cooking, lighting and other purposes.