Define Diapause. What Is its Significance?

BY Team Aakash Byjus

The word diapause is a Greek word that means pause. The word diapause was coined by William Wheeler in 1893.


Diapause is the spontaneous discontinuity of the development of certain animals.

Diapause is the dormancy period of specific animals, marked by decreasing metabolic activities.

It is the shutdown of most metabolic activities. During this stage, growth hormone levels decrease.

It occurs in many mites, insects, a few crustaceans and snails. It may happen at any stage of the life cycle like embryo, larva, pupa, cocoon and adult.

In insects, it occurs in the pupa and cocoon stage. In adults, the reproductive and feeding mechanisms may slow down.

It is a period of postponed development during an insect’s life cycle.

This process helps animals to escape from unfavorable situations.

Whenever situations are favorable, diapause can be removed.

Environmental factors such as day length duration, shortage of food, and high-temperature cause diapause in animals.