CBSE Class 11 Biology: Explain the Main Functions of a Leaf

BY Team Aakash Byju's

A plant consists of different parts. It includes roots, stem, branches, leaves, buds, flowers, and fruits.

Leaf A green plane structure of a plant that makes its food is known as a leaf. It is an important part of the plant.

Parts of leaf A leaf has different parts. These include petiole, lamina and veins.

Petiole The part of the leaf which is attached to the stem is known as the petiole.

Lamina The expanded green part of the leaf is known as the lamina.

Veins Lines present on the leaf are known as veins.

Functions of leaf The main function of the leaf is photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process of preparing food.

Plants contain a green color substance called chlorophyll.  It absorbs sunlight during photosynthesis.

Plants prepare food materials by using Carbon dioxide, water and sunlight. This process is known as photosynthesis.

Plants send out excess water through small tiny pores called stomata.

The loss of water from plants is called transportation. This process helps to cool the plant.

Stomata of the leaves exchange gases like Carbon dioxide and Oxygen during photosynthesis and respiration.

Leaves store the food materials that are prepared during photosynthesis.