By Team Aakash Byju's | 19th December 2022

Biggest Mistakes to Avoid While Preparing for JEE Advanced 2023 Exam

Here are some of the biggest mistakes you should avoid while preparing for the JEE Advanced 2023.

Ignoring time intervals of π While applying the Lebanese Rule, you cannot always write sin-1 (sin 2x) = 2x or sin-1 (sin x) = x It is applicable only when -π/4 <= x <= π/4

So while finding the value of sin-1 (sin 2x) or sin-1 (sin x), keep the intervals in mind wrt to the value of π asked in the question.

Also, instead of checking the intervals, you can also put the value of π directly according to the question.

Not reading the question properly Most silly mistakes happen when you don’t read the question correctly. Ensure you dedicate some time to reading the question.

Not applying the correct formula The biggest mistake students do is applying the wrong formula even when they know the right approach. So, make sure you apply the correct formula.

Follow these tips to avoid mistakes in JEE Advanced 2023 exam and score higher.