7 Water borne Diseases Caused by Water Pollution

By Team Aakash Byju's

All of us have at one point been victims of the diseases caused by water pollution either after consuming polluted water directly or through animal/plant food raised by water pollution.

Cholera is a serious intestinal tract infection caused by washing or consuming contaminated water or eating food washed or irrigated with contaminated water.

Diarrhea is caused from food poisoning by drinking contaminated water and leads to dehydration and loss of electrolytes.

Typhoid is a bacterial infection caused by washing/consuming polluted water affecting approx millions every year.

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Amoebiasis is caused by consuming water contaminated with amoeba protozoa that infects the large intestine and liver.

Dysentery is an intestinal infection that causes vomiting, fever and abdominal pain and is acquired by eating food washed with contaminated water.

Intestinal worms are parasites which are transmitted by drinking contaminated water. Such worms causes retarded growth, anemia and malnutrition.

The last water borne disease caused by water pollution is Hepatitis. It is acquired through ingestion of water contaminated with hepatitis virus that affects the liver.