5 Most Preferred Mechanical Engineering Colleges In India 2022

By Team Aakash Byju's

Planning to take up mechanical engineering and not yet done with searching for the most preferred mechanical engineering colleges in India? We have sorted it for you.

It is one among the foremost institutes of national importance in higher technological education, basic and applied research, established in 1956. It has 16 academic departments and a few advanced research centres in various disciplines of engineering and pure sciences with nearly 100 laboratories.

Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai

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It was established in 1958 and is recognised as a leader in the field of engineering education and research. It is renowned for outstanding calibre of students graduating from its undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. It produces the best students in bachelor's, master's and doctoral programmes.

Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai

It is one of the best engineering institutes in our country. It was established in 1951. It offers over 120 courses across different streams at UG, PG and PhD levels and provides almost 70 courses in various disciplines at the UG. It offers 15 different specializations in B.Tech, B.Arch and a 5 year integrated M.Sc.

Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

It is a public research university, which was declared as the Institute of National Importance by the Government of India under the Institutes of Technology Act. This institute provides science-based engineering education with a view to producing quality engineer-scientists. It offers M.Tech. M.B.A., M.Sc, Ph.D./M.S.

Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

IIT Hyderabad is one of the second generation IIT institutes established by the government of India in 2008. It has 50 out of 110 laboratories dedicated to research. Students are offered choices from cultural events to participate in the courses they wish to study.

Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad